On 23rd to 27th of May 2022 took place the first short term joint staff training in Livorno. Italy, hosted by partner LINC. The main goals of this training were:
❖ To increase participants’ knowledge about the design thinking process before starting the piloting phase with the prisoners, and how to use these principles.
❖ To enhance the job performance of justice practitioners that work in prison contexts, empowering them with new tools, templates, and digital possibilities, increasing the number of resources available to invest in prisoners’ rehabilitation and social reintegration.
❖ To optimize the national pilot’s quality and results, by investing in the previous specialization of the trainers.
❖ To contribute to the transnational added value of the project, that is to generate interdisciplinarity and crosstalk between professionals.
6 participants from ISC, DGRSP, VIS, and MEH, 3 participants from APX and 2 participants from AVACA from Prison and Probation staff who will conduct piloting national activities with the target group.